TakeCHARGE 5 Steps to Safer Health Care: Communication is Key
A Virtual Symposium by Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy
March 18th and 19th 2022
Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in the United States, causing as many as 250,000 deaths per year.[1] Community members and their families, all of whom are potential patients or users of the healthcare system, must understand how to take responsibility for creating optimal outcomes of care, along with their clinical teams. Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy (CPSEA) remains focused on educating the public in proactive patient safety strategies, as it has for over two decades.
In 2020, Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy developed a program TakeCHARGE: 5 Steps to Safer Health Care. This program encourages and educates the community to become better-prepared patients. Especially now, with healthcare professionals overworked and stretched to their limits, people being prepared is critical. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) patients who are more involved in their healthcare get better results.[2]
TakeCHARGE now has thirteen organizations throughout the country “leading the charge” including The Joint Commission, Greater National Advocates, Washington Patient Safety Coalition and many more.
We expect this symposium to attract 500 Board-Certified Patient Advocates, case managers and social workers (who require CEUs), community members, family caregivers and healthcare professionals.
Speakers will cover the TakeCHARGE 5 Steps to Safer Health Care.
- Understand & Complete Your Advance Directives
- Keep a Record of Your Medical History & Current Medications
- Prepare for Doctor Visits / Make a List of Questions
- Prevent Infections / Ask Caregivers to Wash Their Hands
- Use an Advocate / Be an Advocate for Others
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[1]https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us [2] https://www.ahrq.gov/
Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond Sponsor $15,000
- Logo prominently displayed on the event platform opening early 2022 through June 2022.
- A 10-minute presentation (related to the program) at the opening of the symposium.
- Logo and website (supplied by sponsor) shared on the Pulse website and all advertising.
- A press release with sponsor comments shared on social media platforms.
- Website and information about the sponsor shared at the event.
- Company name mentioned (minimum 5 times) throughout the program by planning team.
- Logo displayed on the Pulse symposium website
- Ten tickets to the symposium (must register by February 15)
Gold Sponsor $10,000
- Logo prominently displayed on the event platform opening early 2022 through June 2022.
- A 5-minute presentation (related to the program) during the conference.
- Logo and website (supplied by sponsor) shared on all advertising.
- A press release with sponsor comments shared on social media platforms.
- Logo displayed on the Pulse symposium website
- Six tickets to the symposium (must register by February 15)
Session Sponsor $5,000
- Logo prominently displayed on the event platform opening early 2022 through June 2022.
- Logo and website (supplied by sponsor) shared on Pulse symposium website.
- Moderator will publicly thank sponsor at the session including a sponsor description.
- Exhibitor page for guests to visit during the symposium. (limited number available).
- Four tickets to the symposium (must register by February 15)
Supporting Sponsor $500
- Logo and link to website displayed on the symposium portal and website.
- Exhibitor page for guests to visit during the symposium. (limited number available).
- Name and logo (supplied by sponsor) displayed on the Pulse symposium website
- One ticket to symposium (must register by February 15)
Friend $250
- Name and logo displayed on the Pulse symposium website
Partner Help us get the word out by sharing symposium information with your personal and professional contacts. Partner support can be dedicated in honor of someone, either living or deceased, and their name will be displayed with yours on the Pulse symposium website.
Payment for sponsorship may be made Here
Contact: 516.579.4711 or e-mail [email protected]
Pulse CPSEA is a nonprofit community-based organization dedicated to raising awareness about patient safety through advocacy, education, and support. 25 Years serving the public.