November 2019
The end of the year is coming upon us and you have been thinking about going to your doctor, getting that pain checked out, having your eyes checked, seeing a cardiologist or pulmonologist because the problems you have breathing when walking from the car to the front door.
You may be thinking, “Don’t lecture me.” I won’t, because this is your business and your business only. But, will you encourage your friends to take care of themselves? Suggest today that, by the New Year, you and your friend will get your medical information up to date. What information? The list of doctors and surgeries you have had and where and procedures or surgeries were done. The list of medications, doses and why you take them. Do you have a healthcare proxy or someone to be your advocate – and will you be theirs?
As you plan to get your medical records up to date and plan for any new clinicians to take care of you, think of how easy it might be when you do need to see a medical professional if you are prepared. Think of the extra time you take now if you tell the intake person that you take a little white oval pill every day. If they must research what that pill is, you are taking away precious time you or I might need with the clinician.
Make your healthcare a treat to yourself each year. I have always thought of the spring as my time to see all my medical providers. Spring is when my children were born and its my “birth” day present to myself.

Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy is Given a Donation By Step Ahead Networking
Left, Ilene Corina, President, Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy accepts a donation from Step Ahead Networking founders Mark Krieger and Mary Redler at a recent meeting on Long Island. To learn more about Step Ahead Networking visit https://stepaheadnetworking.com/
Some people wonder what the healthcare proxy form is. This link will take you to a form to complete before you need one. Don’t be caught without it My Healthcare Proxy Form
See the description below from the NY State Department of Health
Here are more details https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/1430.pdf

“Practice Makes Perfect”
Pulse’s communications director David Halperin recently visited a gastroenterologist, who made changes to his medications.

David Halperin
“I duly wrote everything down in real time,” says Halperin, “but I still didn't remember to conduct a ‘teach back’ conversation with the doctor to make sure I’d got it right — after reminding myself multiple times to do so.
It's one of the easiest patient safety steps to take (it's logical and threatens no one) but maybe it's like everything else: practice makes perfect. You have to keep doing it to remember to keep doing it.”
According to Ilene Corina, “Teach back is what the healthcare professionals are supposed to be doing. It shouldn’t have to be up to us. But if the clinicians aren’t doing it, it’s our responsibility as informed patients to take the initiative.”
And the clincher? Says Halperin, “If it weren’t for my Pulse training, I wouldn’t even know about the teach back technique.”
Shouldn’t everyone know?


This summer, Pulse Board Chairperson Dr. Marissa Abram and Ilene Corina, Pulse President spoke at The American Psychiatric Nurses Association conference in Saratoga, NY. Their presentations were captured by Artist Flash Rosenberg. http://flashrosenberg.com/
Above, Dr. Abram's presentation was captured in the art work and below is Ilene Corina's presentation as shown in this dramatic art work done while they spoke.
